• 微信号:anfulu151cs

    COUTURIER Shanghai 经营精美的印花丝绸服饰和小物件。您只需在我们的陈列中挑选喜欢的款式,即可为您度身定做,同时热忱期待准妈妈朋友的惠顾。
    COUTURIER Shanghai 带您领略做工的考究、时尚的韵味,为您呈献兼具品位与情趣的服饰,为您打造独特的上海风情。

    At COUTURIER Shanghai you will find clothing sewn from silk cloth printed with beautiful designs. Sometimes the cloth will be in the spotlight, and at others it will highlight a simple design. In addition we offer a line of small pouches made from the same gorgeous fabrics. We specialize in women’s and maternity wear. After selecting a design from clothing on display in our shop, we will have it made to fit your measurements exactly.
    We hope you will enjoy our clothing’s combination of haute couture style and affordable prices. Our products are classic with an added element of playfulness.
    You will not find a shop quite like COUTURIER Shanghai anywhere else.

    COUTURIER Shanghai は、上海で見つけた可愛いプリントシルクを